August 2019 Print

What happened on the farm in August?

Flower of the month : (Sedum album)

White stonecrop, small houseleek, wall pepper


Native to the northern temperate regions of the world, this plant

will grow all year round and flowers in the summer. It forms mat-

like stands and most of the year the stems are short, semi pro-

strate and densely clad in leaves. At the flowering time in July and

August, the stems lengthen and are erect, occasionally branched

and often pinkish-brown. The leaves are alternate, fleshy and nearly

cylindrical with a blunt, rounded tip. They are also sometimes tinged

with pink, especially in drought-stressed plants. White stonecrop

cannot compete with more vigorous fast-growing species and is

specially adapted for growing on thin dry soils and can be found on

walls, dry banks and in rocky meadows. On the farm it is found on

some stone walls and rocky outcrops. The plant stores water in its

leaves which it then uses in periods of drought… when the leaves

gradually become pinker. This change in colour is due to the plant

synthesizing carotenids to protect itself from the effects of photo-

inhibition (a reduction in the process of photosynthesis). White

stonecrop has certain medicinal properties and was used, for example,

to reduce inflammation. It can been eaten, once pickled.


Many insects visit stonecrop flowers looking for nectar

and pollen, in this case a bumblebee (Bombus sp).


On August 1st a researcher into cheese related issues from the

University of Cantabria visited the dairy with a friend. On the 9th

we received two visits, firstly two girls touring by cycle visiting

different alternative projects such as our farm.

Later a French family visited the farm and dairy
and, lastly, on the 23rd, a family from Alicante.

What was the weather like? The weather in August was

predominantly dry and hot, sometimes with south winds and, thus,

some unusual cloud formations. We also had some mistier weather

with drizzle and also one tremendous thunderstorm during which we

collected 16 of the total 53 litres of rain that fell in August. Maximum

temperatures reached 34.5ºC whilst the minimum temperature

dropped to a surprising 12ºC.


Recipe of the month: Spaghetti alla carbonara

There are many different ways to make this dish. We suggest

the following which is not too complicated. A little care is needed

for the penultimate step!

500g spaghetti

100g bacon

3 eggs

70g cheese

200ml single cream

1 medium onion

Black pepper (to taste)

 Fry onion until translucent. Dice bacon and fry in a different frying pan,

until crispy. Finely grate the cheese. Whip the eggs in a bowl and then

stir in the cheese and black pepper to taste, mixing thoroughly. Stir the

cream in with the onions, add more black pepper to taste and heat for

two minutes. Mix the bacon with the spaghetti and then slowly add the

egg and cheese mixture, stirring continually and making sure the egg

doesn’t cook in bits but rather makes a creamy texture with the spa-

ghetti. Lastly, when the egg is no longer liquid, add the cream and

onion mixture, stirring well. (Optionally more cheese may be sprinkled on

the top)

Eat immediately.

In August the Farmers’ Market was only held on the fifth, but we also

went to two special markets held during the big fiesta in Bilbao, on the

17th and 21st

This snake skin appeared by one of the stone walls, reminding us

that snakes are around.


As we mentioned in our July update, we let the last grass of the

summer dry completely so the pastures are self seeded. In August

we mowed the grass, ready for new growth to appear in the



What did the cows eat?

Although the weather meant the cows could go out into the

fields most days, there was, by now, hardly any grazing. We

thus gave them alfalfa,  silage and a little feedstuff.

Three cows calved in August, each all giving us a bull calf.

The quality of our milk


Optimum result

Farm result




Fat content









Somatic cell count



Presence  / absence antibiotics

